Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, June 26 2009:
Union minister of State for Rural Development Ms Agatha Sangma yesterday met Prime Minister Dr Manmohon Singh and handed him a letter urging him to repeal or withdraw AFSPA from Manipur so as to save the life of Irom Chanu Sharmila, who has been fasting over ten years now.
Ms Sangma conveyed her concern for Irom Chanu Sharmila's condition to the Prime Minister.
In her letter, of which a copy was sent to the president of NCP Manipur state and MLA (ex-CM) Radhabinod Koijam today, Ms Sangma stated, "During my visit to Manipur the people drew my attention to the atrocities being perpetuated by the security forces using the provisions of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958.This was very much in my mind and therefore, I visited the Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital on the 17th June, 2009 and met Ms Irom Sharmila who is on hunger strike till death for over eight years.
It was a very memorable moment for me.
I assured Ms Sharmila that I will take up the issue before the Government for the repeal of the Act".
She further stated, she knows that "this issue is very much in your mind and therefore, I earnestly request you to consider thecase on its merit for repeal of the Act or alternately withdrawal of the provision of the Act in so far as its application in Manipur is concerned, so that Ms Sharmila can end her fast and her precious life be saved".