Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, February 09 2009:
The hunger relay strike being launched by Sharmila Kanba Lup in pursuance of the demand for repealing Armed Forces Special Powers Act from Manipur and save the life of Sharmila completes 62 days today.
Sharmila has also been fasting for moe than 8 years now over the same demand of scrapping the Act which has been termed by many as dacronian.
Carrying forward the agitation, Meira Paibi of Andro area to participate in the hunger relay strike.
Force vice president of NIPCO O Ratan and former president of UPF N Jadumani were among the resource persons who addressed the gathering at the occasion.
On the other hand, in support of the course, around 80 Meira Paibis from Icham Khunou and Tengi participated in a similar protest demonstration being staged at Thoubal Parking today during which secretary of Thoubal District United Development Organisation S Bimola and secretary of MEEKHOL Nirmala spoke as resource persons.