PREPAK hails CorCom
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 09 2011:
Contd from previous issue .
Alleging that the State has been indulging in rampant human rights violation in the form of fake encounters, custodial killings, rape etc, Nongdrenkhomba asserted that such conflicts between the mass and the security forces cannot be easily resolved.
Highlighting the invincible strength of the mass, the outfit stated that the State and its military need to be overthrown for the future of the nation.
Contrary to the tall claims of being a democratic country and an emerging economic and military power, India is also known across the world for being one of the most corrupted countries, with abnormally high crime rates and violence against women.
It was this highly corrupted administrative system which prompted Anna Hazare and Ram Dev to fast unto death in order to pass an anti-corruption bill.
A double bench of the Supreme Court, after taking into account the excesses committed by the Indian military, made an observation on August 8 this year that all those military/police personnel found guilty for rape and fake encounter should be hanged to death.
The Supreme Court further observed that AFSPA is one of the most draconian and inhumane laws passed by the Indian Parliament.
This observations clearly reflected that India is abound with criminal politicians, indiscipline military and rogue police personnel have been running, the outfit alleged.
Since the imposition of AFSPA in Kashmir, 8000 people picked up by the Indian military have disappeared without any trace.
Likewise, there are innumerable number of criminal cases committed by the military under cover of the AFSPA.
"This shows that India does not care if all the Kashmiris disappear from Kashmir and all Manipuris exterminated from the soil of Manipur.
Their only concern is keeping the boundary of India in tact and safe", Nongdrenkhomba asserted.
Again, both Kashmiris and people of the North East region are being discriminated by the mainland Indians.
Saying that many women from the North East were raped and murdered in the cities of mainland India, the Chairman asked how long Kangleipak would remain under India whose people are allegedly high racial.
The Chairman concluded his message by saluting all those who have laid their lives in the course of the revolutionary movement, and by conveying warm greetings to all the people and fraternal revolutionary groups.