Source: The Sangai Express / S Singlianmang Guite
Lamka, February 18 2009:
Accusing the Social Welfare Minister N Loken of adopting favouritism in appointing the ICDS programme officer in the district, Zomi Students Federation today said it resolved to boycott the concern Minister and the opening programme of Vangai Range ICDS project office on February 19 .
To fight against the culture and tradition of favoritism following the Ministers disregard for its request for an eligible person from the district to shoulder the responsibility of the DPO after the imbroglio arising out of it, ZSF said it has no other option but to resolve to boycott the concerned Minister.
The federation also warned an officer identified as one Ranjana Mayum of claiming the responsibility as she already had held the post in Imphal West and East.
Any untoward incident that befell on her following her resumption to the said post will be only on her invitation and the federation could not be held responsible for it, said the ZSF.
It also called on the concerned contractors for immediate completion of the task entrusted to them along the Lamka, Singngat Sinzawl road even as it urged upon the concerned officials to pressurize the said contractors with the threat of withholding their bills.
Besides it urged upon the two top Ministers from the district to look into the matter of no equal supply of power but equal tariff and the misadventure in arranging portable drinking water to the public against the back drop of the availability of excess resources at Khuga Dam.
In these regards the federation will not hesitate to take any actions if the Government fails to give any response or action it said.