Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 09:
A five member team of the Manipur University Students' Union (MUSU) led by its president Ch Rupachandra has called on the Governor Dr SS Sidhu and submitted a memorandum highlighting woes of the teachers and students of Manipur University and other irregularities.
A statement issued by MUSU informed that the MUSU team also included ex-MUSU president Kh Gourachandra, councillor Ng Jasantakumar, general secretary of MUSU Kh Shyamsundara and research scholar K Indrakumar besides its president.
According to a copy of the memorandum made available to press, the nominee of the Visitor who is a compulsory member of the University selection committee for fresh appointments and promotion of teachers and officers has not been nominated as yet.
It also reminded that as per the Manipur University Act, the President of India is the Visitor while the Governor of the State is the Chief Rector.
On account of the non-appointment of the Visitor's nominee, a number of teachers and officers whose promotions have been long overdue under the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) are being unnecessarily victimised thereby giving a serious blow to the moral and enthusiasm of the teachers.
Concerning the appointment of 70 regular teachers of different categories for which advertisements were published in the first week of June this year, MUSU lamented that no due procedure has been initiated till date for appointment of the University teachers as published through advertisements.
Coupled with the introduction of semester system and acute shortage of teachers in some Depts, a large number of students have been enduring severe hardships.
The memorandum observed that some Departments are being run by just one or two regular teachers even though the University was upgraded to a central varsity with effect from October 13 last year.
Conveying serious concern over shortage of teachers and overall performance of the Manipur University in imparting quality education to the students in this age of high competition, MUSU flayed the alleged inaction of the Vice-Chancellor towards addressing the woes of students and teaching faculties.
Being the Governor of Manipur and Chief Rector of Manipur University, MUSU appealed to Governor Dr SS Sidhu to prevail over the Vice-Chancellor so that necessary procedures for appointment of new teachers and promotion of existing deserving teachers under CAS are completed by November this year.
MUSU further asked for establishment of new Departments and necessary faculties in line with the needs of modern education from the next academic session.
MUSU also cautioned the Chief Rector of various democratic movements if their appeals and demands go unheeded, concluded the memorandum.
From his side, the Governor assured all possible cooperation as the Chief Rector of the University, conveyed the statement issued by MUSU.