Source: The Sangai Express
Kohima, March 07:
That the KCP (MC) would issue threats such as 'total punish', that they would threaten to kill members of frontal organisations, women and children was something known to the KYKL, PREPAK and UNLF, asserted the statement and added that it is more than clear that they must have also been instigated by the security forces, who are their friends.
It was known before hands that such desperadoes may strike out at Human Rights crusaders and members of civil society organisations, because these bodies have been creating a lot of problem to the security forces by exposing human rights abuses as well as demanding the scrapping of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
Despite all these, the three outfits decided that they would recognise only the KCP led by Laba alias Senggoi Meitei because the other factions are nothing but a bunch of gangsters and killer who are out to extort and loot, asserted the statement and added that to deal with them, it was decided to use the power of the gun.
Such groups can never be equated with the revolutionary outfits, claimed the statement further.
Some civil society organisations may face problems, women and children may be targeted by them, said the statement but added that if action is not taken up today, the situation will take a turn for the worse in the future.
The three outfits also urged the public to suggest if they have anything to say.
If action is not taken up today, the future looks very bleak, said the statement and added if such trends are allowed to flourish then Manipur will become a land of looters and extortionists and gangsters without any social mores.
If we reach such a stage then no one would be able to save Manipur, asserted the three outfits and added that this is exactly what Delhi wants.
On the assertion of the Naoba faction of the KCP (MC) that UNLF never approached them for unity amongst the KCP factions, the statement said that everyone knows the stupendous effort made in 2006 to unify all the KCP factions.
The earlier statements issued by the Naoba faction of the KCP (MC) prove that they also knew this.
When Leibakmacha and his henchmen were eliminated in 2007, the Naoba faction of KCP (MC) had issued a strong statement condemning it.
Moreover the three outfits had also announced to the people that they would recognise only the KCP headed by Laba alias Senggoi Meitei.
If anyone had wanted to join the KCP, they should have contacted the outfit and not issued such false statements through the press, asserted the statement.
The decision to fight the gangs using the name of KCP to extort, loot and kill still stands, said the three outfits and urged all not to associate themselves with such self serving elements.