Political parties stand shoulder to shoulder against NPF 'incursion'
Rio's date with Spt runs into rough water
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, May 26 2011:
Taking serious note of the proposed visit of Nagaland Chief Minister Nephiu Rio along with some senior Cabinet Ministers of the DAN Government to Senapati district headquarters on May 28, to formally launch a unit of the Naga People's Front, an all political party meeting was convened today, to discuss the issue.
After minutely studying the aims and objectives of the NPF as enshrined in its Constitution and read as "To work for unity and integrity of the people by integrating all contiguous Naga inhabited areas under one administrative roof and also to provide protection to all the ethnic groups who are indigenous inhabitants of the State," all the representatives of the different political parties agreed that "this very provision challenges the territorial integrity of neighbouring North East States like Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur.
On this count, opening of the NPF unit in Manipur State at Senapati is strongly opposed" .
Taking this into account, the meeting strongly opposed opening of the NPF unit in Manipur State at Senapati as it would lead to instability of Manipur and spread disharmony among different communities of the State, said a joint statement.
Other than the Chief Minister, the Congress was represented by Th Debendra, Phungzathang Tonsing and Gaikhangam, the CPI by P Parijat and L Iboyaima, CPI (M) by Sarat Salam and Yumnam Ratan, Radhabinod Koijam of NCP, Ch Ajang Khongsai of NPP and O Joy of MPP.
Significantly the State unit of the BJP stayed away from the meeting on the ground that the State Government had addressed its vice-president as the general secretary as well as wrongly writing down the name of the State unit president.
It was a slight on the BJP, maintained the party.
Again, referring to Article X (A) (1) of the NPF constitution which states "Any citizen of Nagaland who subscribes to the principles of Nagaland People's Front (NPF) shall be eligible for primary membership of the party", the meeting observed this implies membership of NPF would extend only to citizens of Nagaland and not to others.
In the event of opening NPF unit at Senapati, it would tantamount to extension of the territory of Nagaland into Manipur and other North Eastern States to further the demand for creation of the Greater Nagaland.
The meeting also strongly opposed the opening of a communal political party in Manipur as it would violate peaceful co-existence of various communities in the State.
Earlier the SPF Cabinet which met this morning also discussed the proposed visit of Neiphiu Rio to Senapati and resolved to urge the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister to persuade the Nagaland Chief Minister to defer his proposed visit.
The Cabinet decided to hold another round of meeting on the same matter at 9.30 am tomorrow.