Phuba Thapham (Khyoubuh) village in Senapati District :: 13th May 2022

Phuba Thapham (Khyoubuh) village of Senapati District as seen on 13th May 2022

Phuba Thapham (Khyoubuh) is a village that branched out from Phuba Khuman in around 1940s. It is located 31 KM towards East from District head quarters Senapati, 6 KM from Paomata Centre. 86 KM from State capital Imphal. It is situated in Senapati District, Manipur, India.

The inhabitants of the village belong to Poumai Naga tribe.

The village, Phuba Thapham [Khyoubuh], means the place of the moon. There was a stone found somewhere in the village in the shape of a moon that used to shine at night and villagers believed it as a moon. Forefather believed that it is the place where the moon rises and so the name of the village was named as Khyoubuh.

The other name, Phuba Thapham, was given by Meiteis during the enrollment and census survey in the area.

Photo Credit :: Shankar Khangembam