The traditional 'Kwak Tanba' ceremony performed at Royal Palace, Sana Konung :: 23 October 2015

The traditional 'Kwak Tanba' ceremony performed at Royal Palace, organized by the Mera Houchongba Thougalup, Sana Konung on 23rd October 2015.
The ceremony commenced with offering of prayer to titular king by Konung Lalloi Hanjaba .
In the afternoon titular king, Sanajaoba, noble men of the palace with the people performed the Kwak Tanba at Thangapat with a procession.

King Leishemba Sanajaoba along with his noblemen at the start of traditional procession of Kwak Tanba
After performing maiba and maibis dance, indigenous game like ta kousaba, tang-ta dance, the Lalloi Hanjaba performed the traditional kwak Tanba.

Picture Credit :: Shankar Khangembam